Finally, my first ska show. After listening to it for years, there were now just the hint of bands touring and playing it. This would turn into a flash flood in a few years. Then everybody got sick of it (i did not).
Anyway, i was living in Dekalb at the time, and Johno called me on the day of the show to tell me Bad Manners were playing. I managed to beg someone to cover my shift and hopped on the motorbike and drove to Chicago.
It should be noted that at the time i was working in a hot kitchen and living a block from work. Also, i was an idiot (some things don't change). So i always wore shorts, and didn't think twice about riding in them. Despite there being snow on the ground. That was a COLD ride.
After getting to Lounge Ax and warming up (it took a while), i ditched my leather jacket under the stage with a bunch of other folks' coats and whatnot...
The show was great. The horn parts were played by a fiddler, if memory serves. They dumped water on the crowd (a welcome relief by that point) during Special Brew.
I got to say hello to Buster Bloodvessel briefly after the show (he's much shorter when not on stage). And then discovered by jacket had been stolen. Of course it had my wallet in it. I was displeased.
Someone found the wallet in a trashcan on the el platform and somehow got it back to me. And johno loaned me a windbreaker or something so the ride home the next day wouldn't be quite so cold (also, it was daytime so i was warmed by the glorious rays of the sun. And probably my anger at having had my leather stolen).
***I do not remember, nor have i been able to find any evidence of, the date of this show. I know the year is right, and the month should be close. I arbitrarily chose the date because i like the number 13 (February 13th is my best friend from high school Karen's birthday, meaning this is most likely not the correct date, as i probably would have remembered that).