06 July 2007

The Police, Fiction Plane at Wrigley Field

OK, i didn't actually go to this show - we just listened from outside the park.  We walked over from Tiny's (and Scott's and Malcolm's) house, got some beer (did i have any? this was before i quit drinking) and found a spot to sit and listen.

For a while we watched through the outfield doors.  We could just see Andy Summers' feet for a song or two before they pulled a bus in front of the open doors.  Then we found a shady spot and just hung there.

Not a bad way to hear a show, really.

I think Fiction Plane was Sting's son's band.  We didn't bother hurrying to get there, so i doubt we heard them - certainly i don't remember hearing them.

Note:  The Police played two shows at Wrigley that week.  I think we were "at" the second show, but it's possible all of this took place on the 5th of July.

15 March 2007

Nonagon, Triple Whip at Beat Kitchen

Headed over after the usual malts with the family.  Did we go to Superdawg?  I surely do not remember.

Robert walked up to me whilst playing at one point, perhaps all the way off the stage.  As usual, i didn't know what to do.

Nonagon's official write-up can be found here.