18 June 1988

INXS at Poplar Creek

I did not go to this show with Bonnie.  We had gone to Depeche Mode together the previous month, and she said she wanted to go with her other friends to this show.  I'm still not entirely sure what that was all about, but we weren't officially dating and it still depressed me.

I think I ended up going with Greg Brown, but I really don't remember.  I do remember we were all the way in the back at the top of the hill that the lawn formed.  So when INXS dedicated "(Kiss the Dirt) Falling Down the Mountain" to the folks at the top of the hill, it was in fact dedicated to me.

Also, this was my sister Chris' birthday.  I don't remember it from then, but maybe she went with Bonnie.  That would explain some things, as we didn't really get along back then...