06 July 2007

The Police, Fiction Plane at Wrigley Field

OK, i didn't actually go to this show - we just listened from outside the park.  We walked over from Tiny's (and Scott's and Malcolm's) house, got some beer (did i have any? this was before i quit drinking) and found a spot to sit and listen.

For a while we watched through the outfield doors.  We could just see Andy Summers' feet for a song or two before they pulled a bus in front of the open doors.  Then we found a shady spot and just hung there.

Not a bad way to hear a show, really.

I think Fiction Plane was Sting's son's band.  We didn't bother hurrying to get there, so i doubt we heard them - certainly i don't remember hearing them.

Note:  The Police played two shows at Wrigley that week.  I think we were "at" the second show, but it's possible all of this took place on the 5th of July.