31 March 2017

Nonagon and others at Subterranean

I sure don't remember much about the other bands.

I do know that we went out for Pancakes afterwards - Em and i rode packed into the back of the van with the equipment.

10 March 2017

Cell Phones at Quenchers

Before the show, Amy and i went to the Northside Gala and mostly hung out with Patreeecia, her husband Jon and her friend Sandra.  This is notable for two reasons:  (1) Jo started dating Sandra's daughter Olivia the following week and, as of this writing (Dec 2017), still is; and (2) i was wearing a suit and (bow)tie.

Amy dropped me at the show, to mooch a ride home with Annie.  I think i missed most of the first band.  Annie introduced me to the singer of the Cell Phones (whose name i should remember, but of course do not).  She said she liked the suit, and that's how she'd want to dress if she were a man.  I should have replied "me too," but, alas, i did not.  Another missed opportunity.

We skipped out early on the last band too.  I think they played music about Watership Down, but maybe that was some other night.