14 December 1990

Special Beat, Toasters at the Metro

This show was 25 bucks - obscenely expensive for that time for us.  Halfway through the opening band, Johno and I decided it was worth it.  The Toasters were great.

And then Special Beat came out and blew them away.  Roger and Neville spent the whole show running back and forth across the stage.  We could not believe how much energy they had.  And of course a set made up of the best songs of The Beat and The Specials is nothing to sneeze at!  They only played one new song: Rainy Days.  General Public finally recorded it for their reunion album. And I eventually found the demo of it that Special Beat recorded (thank you, internet).

11 March 1990

Faith No More, Voivod, Soundgarden at Mabel's

Did i go to the show by myself?

I remember loving Faith No More.  I don't remember much about Voivod.  And the only thing i remember about Soundgarden is falling asleep standing up.

Years later, i found out Tiny was at this show.  Alas, i would not meet him for another decade or more.

30 January 1990

Culture, The Spores at Mabel's

Well i sure don't remember this concert at all.  But here's the ticket stub proving i was there:
What's funny is, i distinctly remember buying my first Culture CD.  It was in downtown Evanston the summer i was parking cars (1992?) at the suggestion of the guy who worked at the CD store (i'd have called it a 'record store', but they only sold CDs).  I do not recall knowing Culture at the time.  Did i even remember this concert then?...