11 August 2016

Body Futures, Nonagon at Frank's Power Plant

At the relatively last minute (found out about the show the day before), i rode the motorbike up to Milwaukee to see the Nonagons.  I missed the opening band (dunno who they were) because i missed the exit and ended up driving through downtown Milwaukee.  And, of course, i was running late as usual.

The bar had a nice logo.  Spent most of my mental energy at the show re-designing it for our house.  Nothing will ever come of that, but i gotta think about something, right?

Nonagon and Body Futures were great.  Apparently Body Futures have a new record that is imminent.  I'll have to get that.

I met an old friend of Johno's, Alan, who seemed alright.  And he didn't seem to hate me either.

We saw a coyote in the parking lot after the show.  That's 2 urban* coyote spottings in the last month, for those of you scoring at home.

I caught some rain on the way home, but don't worry - i dried off before i even got home.

*I'm calling Wheaton 'urban' for this purpose.  And for this purpose only.

01 August 2016

Petrillo and OUT at Township

I missed the opening band (Small Awesome?).

Petrillo weren't really my cup of tea, but they were having fun and everyone else there seemed to like them.   So i assume they'll be my favorite band 5 years from now.

Speaking of which, OUT might be my favorite band right now.  Well, i sure do like them a lot.

Hungry Man headlined, but i left early and didn't see them.  I felt a little guilty, but Annie, Christy, Johno and Tiny all left early too.  Or maybe that should make me feel more guilty, i dunno.

The bike ride home with Johno and Christy was very nice, but there was no stop at Jeri's (or any other late-night snack stop).